Diverse Clarity
This is where we have thought-provoking conversations about things that matter and some that don't.
Diverse Clarity
S02E15 - The Longest Intro Ever
Welcome to Diverse Clarity! This is where we have thought-provoking conversations about things that matter and some that don't. In this episode:
We discuss absolutely nothing and a whole lot at the same time. Immediately after the intro, we jumped into an organic conversation which took over any plans of topics that might have been on the agenda. This episode lets you see what it is like for a few hours before we press record on a weekly basis.
Do you have ideas/questions that you would like to see us discuss, debate or inform you about on the show? We’d love to hear it! Nothing is off-topic so simply reach out and contactus@diverseclarity.com.
Diverse Clarity was brought to you by MIANCORE PRODUCTIONS.
Website: https://www.diverseclarity.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/diverseclarity
Na’im Howard (OMEHGA)
Executive Producer & Host of Diverse Clarity
Social Media
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/omehgaofficial
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/omehgaofficial
Kingsley Laurent
Co-Host of Diverse Clarity
Social Media
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kingsley133
Melle Settles
Co-Host of Diverse Clarity
Social Media
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melleneversettles
John David Lewis (John D.)
Co-Host of Diverse Clarity
Social Media
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/2womuchme
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_______________________________________________________________________ #diverseclarity #goodconversation #offtopic
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